Keywords: women, entrepreneurship, business, labor market, employment, employment service


The article highlights the issues of women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the current business environment and the possibility of own business setting up were analyze and summarized. The statistics of female entrepreneurship in some foreign countries were consider. The purpose of the research is to determine the possibility of opening and conducting business activities by women in the realities of Ukrainian society. The research used general scientific and special methods: scientific generalization and systematization; comparative and system analysis; logical synthesis. Research of current trends in women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine afforded grounds to justify business setting up. Was establish that the current conditions of doing business in Ukraine were characterize by unfavorable fiscal, monetary and regulatory policies of the state. It was determined that one of the active forms of support for the unemployed, which is carried out by the state employment service in the absence of proper work in the labor market, is the involvement of the unemployed in the organization of business activity. It was prove that women’s participation in business transforms the quality and structure of the workforce and society as a whole, promotes women’s career development, self-fulfillment and creation of new workplaces. It affects their households and communities, shaping the thinking of future generations that can inspire self-employment as a natural career option. It was substantiate that women have significant employment potential that can be realize through training and support, which is one of the key factors for enhancing their business activity. This in turn can improve the economic efficiency of employment and ensure the creation of new workplaces. In addition to the obvious advantages of creating new jobs, reducing unemployment, securing growth in domestic gross domestic product and budget revenues, participating in local infrastructure development, women's entrepreneurship provides opportunities for entrepreneurial, organizational and creative skills, development and innovation, enhancing the competitiveness of domestic goods and services.


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How to Cite
Plysenko, G. (2020). WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE AND THE WORLD AS AN ELEMENT OF TRANSFORMATION OF QUALITY AND STRUCTURE OF THE WORKFORCE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-1), 102-106. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/11.15
Economics and national economy management