• O.S. Hryniuk National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • A.A. Oriekhova National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute”
Keywords: human resources potential, building of human resources potential, recruitment


The article is devoted the analysis of features of modern advanced approaches to talent management company. It is defined that a key role in the management process is the formation of personnel potential, in particular its initial phase – the search and selection of qualified and professional staff. It is proved that workforce planning is an important component of strategic value to the company. Its implementation should be based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the current structure of the personnel nucleus of the enterprise, the comparison of actual performance with the plan. Are the possible alternative ways of recruitment from the point of view of the criterion of effectiveness of this process. It analyses the use of methods of search within each process and considers the General algorithm of the process of search and selection specialists. Determined that its stages can be carried out by our own HR services and divisions of management personnel of enterprises, and through the involvement of recruitment agencies, offering innovative on the domestic market of outsourcing services. Analyzed each of the methods against the criteria of efficiency of time and material resources in the implementation of search and selection of specialists and the quality of professional qualification of the selected specialist. Determined the feasibility of alternatives under certain conditions of activity of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Hryniuk, O., & Oriekhova, A. (2015). SPECIFICS OF USING THE INNOVATIVE APPROACHS TO MANAGING COMPANY’S HUMAN RESOURCES POTENTIAL. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (1), 23-29. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/27
Theoretical and empirical research