Keywords: export, export activity, innovative costs, export-oriented strategy, fuzzy logic


The article is devoted to assessing the role of foreign direct investment, innovation expenditures, capital investments, and the volume of scientific and technical work performed for the development of export activities. It is found that export is a synergy of interaction among many industries, the functioning of which determines the success of the implementation of export strategies. The experience of European countries shows that strengthening export potential is inextricably linked to structural changes in the economy. The need to develop export activity, sales of goods with high added value on the world market and successful integration in international trade determine the relevance of the topic for the domestic economy which is mostly concentrated in traditional sectors with low activity in the field of research and development and dependent on external conditions. The application of the fuzzy logic method shows that innovation costs compared with other input parameters are the least influential factor for domestic exports today. At the same time, it was found out what importance foreign direct investment, innovative spending, capital investment and the volume of scientific and technical work have to achieve high export performance. Modern approaches to forming the institutional framework for improving Ukraine's ability to export innovative goods and services in accordance with the cross-sector strategy include strengthening the innovation ecosystem, business environment support, financial services and tools development to support businesses and innovators as well as development of skills and competencies of domestic companies. The directions of stimulating domestic exports cover a set of measures and instruments of an institutional, organizational and economic nature. Among them, it is advisable to highlight the integration of innovative projects in Europe, the formation of an effective system of institutional support for exports, increasing the level of information awareness of exporters, the introduction of economic mechanisms for innovative development or technological production with export prospects.


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How to Cite
Poliakova, J. (2020). INNOVATION COMPONENT OF EXPORT ACTIVITIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-1), 32-36.
World economy and international economic relations