• O. Kavtysh National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • E. Maksymishyna National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute”
Keywords: human resource management, automated systems, business process, productivity, effectiveness


The article deals with problems of implementation of the automation process of personnel management in domestic enterprises. Defined and systematized main advantages of using automated systems management. It describes the main business processes that they cover. The possibilities of modern automated systems and, in fact, the control unit personnel from the standpoint of the rationalization of the management of enterprises in modern conditions. Among them was allocated to optimizing personnel management, dynamic and objective assessment of ongoing human resources policy and effectiveness of employees, increase productivity, the possibility of an adaptive strategy development personnel. It proves their effect on the productivity and efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Highlighted the social, economic and organizational effects from the use of automated systems for personnel management. We analyzed the main software products containing the modules automation of personnel management and are presented on the market of software products automating management. Define their key strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and expediency of enterprises of different sizes. The problems arising in the process of decision-making on the automation of personnel management of domestic enterprises. Reasonably possible to the use of CRM-systems in the process of personnel management of enterprises. The ways of solving them as the basis for increased productivity and overall efficiency of the modern enterprise. Among the main phasing allocated, system, the need for relationships with all levels of the enterprise strategy, economy, complex dynamic efficiency, monitoring and evaluation.мм


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How to Cite
Kavtysh, O., & Maksymishyna, E. (2020). AUTOMATION OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (1), 30-37. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research