Keywords: security, economic security, economic security of the enterprise, development, stages, company


The daily routine of each enterprise is to satisfy its social and its needs through its activities and profit from it. The company is constantly influenced by various fac-tors that can affect its activities or affect in the future. An important role in the devel-opment of the enterprise, the identification of risks and the development of measures to eliminate them is played by economic security. That is why there is a need to determine the essence of this concept, because the stability of an enterprise depends on economic security. The purpose of the article is to analyze the economic security of an enterprise as a component of economic science at the present stage of development The authors analyzed and reflected the opinions of scientists who made a sig-nificant contribution to the study of the category “economic security of an enterprise”. The features of existing approaches to the definition of the concept of economic security of an enterprise at the present stage of development are systematized and identified, such as: resource-functional, harmonizing, protective, competitive, informational, financial and economic-legal approaches, an approach aimed at ensuring the sustainability and development of the enterprise. The clarified essence of the economic security of the enterprise with the aim of creating the prerequisites for the implementation and ensuring economic security in the practice of domestic enterprises. The definition of the essence of the economic security of the enterprise is proposed, which is considered as a mechanism of security and control over the development process of all areas of activity, protecting the interests of enterprises from the negative impact of external and internal factors. It is proposed to form three main groups of problems arising in the formation of the theoretical foundations of economic security of the enterprise. A generalization of the available approaches to the concept of "economic security of the enterprise" is made, which allowed us to identify key priorities and formulate our own understanding of economic security as an independent complex concept.


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How to Cite
Skoryk, M., Gorban, S., & Skrytska, O. (2020). THE ESSENCE OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTER-PRISE AS A COMPONENT OF NATIONAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-1), 7-11.
Economic theory and history of economic thought