• Oleksandr Diachenko Classic Private University
  • Veronyka Balter Classic Private University
Keywords: entrepreneurship, taxes, digraph, modeling, development scenarios


The use of cognitive models to solve problems of the development of weakly structured systems with limited information on the factors and difficulties in determining the quality characteristics of the system is also an important tool for exploring entrepreneurship and identifying factors that have a significant impact on it. Since many problems remain in the field of taxation of small businesses, the purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of development of small business in the country; analysis of the structure of the cognitive model of the impact of tax regulation on the development of small business, study of the behavior of the system based on three scenarios of its development and identify the factors that most influence the activity of small business in Ukraine. The article considers the state of development of small businesses in Ukraine, indicates the types of activities with the largest volume of products produced. As a result of the analysis, the structural characteristics of the cognitive model were obtained using the FCMapper software. Three scenarios of system development are analyzed when changing the rates of Taxes and Time Tax peaks using FCMapper software, which allows you to set the initial weights of peaks and investigate their impact on other system indicators. Based on the model considered, the factors that most influence the development of small business in Ukraine are identified. It is revealed that as the level of tax rates and time tax increases, there will be negative changes in the expectations of the financial and economic situation in the country as a whole. On the contrary, lowering the level of tax rates and time tax will contribute to the increase in the number of employees, the volume of sales of enterprises, which in general will contribute to the positive growth of the financial and economic situation. The net profit of small businesses from the studied factors of the system is most negatively affected by the low level of sales and, consequently, increases in its value, tax liability due to lower tax rates. These results can be used in the analysis of the dynamics of the cognitive model.


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How to Cite
Diachenko, O., & Balter, V. (2019). ANALYSIS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT BY COGNITIVE MODELING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 177-181.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics