• Andriy Lopin Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
Keywords: natural capital, accounting policy, accounting methods, principles and procedures, methods of inventories evaluation, fixed and intangible environmental assets depreciation


It is proved that the most effective way of solving the problem of interaction of economic entities and entire economy with environment is the introduction of natural capital elements accounts in the Ukrainian food industry enterprises’ accounting cycle. The article deals with methodological aspects of natural capital elements accounting policy formation as a basis of determining of the business contribution to achieving environmental area of sustainable development goals. Achievement of the goal set in the article is carried out with the help of general scientific and special methods of research, namely: dialectical approach, analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization. Natural capital accounting principles are systematized by four groups. Principles of the first group (inclusive; collaborative; holistic) are responsible for the natural capital information comprehensive presentation in company’s accounts and reports. Principles of the second group (decision-centred, demand-led) ensure that all accounting policies are targeted to management goals. The third set of principles (transparent, open, credible) is responsible for the reliability of natural capital accounting results. It is proved that the principles of the fourth group (enduring, continuously improving, embedded) contribute to maintaining the adequacy of accounting policies to the requirements of time. It is proposed to introduce the item “Environment-oriented activity” to Accounting Policy Order for food industry. It has been proved that natural capital needs to be adapted to conventional methods to accurately reflect its information in the accounting-analytical and reporting systems that should be achieved by its disclosure in accounting policy. It is substantiated that in the regulatory document on the food industry accounting policy the following methods should be specified: estimating of stocks disposal; transport and procurement costs accounting method; fixed and intangible environmental assets depreciation method; and inventory frequency. Procedure issues of accounting policy have been identified for the rational accounting organization of natural capital at food companies.


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How to Cite
Accounting, analysis and audit