Keywords: foreign trade activity, import of goods, foreign trade balance, customs taxes and payments, customs control


The restoration of Ukraine's socio-economic potential and its financial stability depends on sound budgetary policies and timely filling of the state treasury with taxes. The amount of tax revenues from foreign trade activity is currently almost half of the state budget. It is relevant to analyze the structure and dynamics of Ukraine's foreign trade volumes and their impact on the formation of tax revenues to the budget. Customs control over ensuring the completeness of customs taxes and payments by FEA entities is of great importance. The paper uses a systematic approach and methods of economic and financial analysis, in particular, methods of analysis of series of dynamics, estimation of absolute and relative values of growth rates, comparison of statistical indicators on the volumes of foreign trade operations and customs taxes and payments for them for 2010 - 2019. This made it possible to justify the results obtained and to make sound conclusions. The article analyzes the structure of foreign economic activity, the current state of foreign trade activity in Ukraine. The openness of the national economy in recent years has also been assessed. The tendencies of development of operations on import of goods and receipts of customs taxes and payments to the state budget over the last ten years are highlighted. It is justified that in recent years, customs payments are mainly a fiscal function rather than a regulatory one. The indicators of foreign trade balance were evaluated and the main factors of formation of a negative foreign trade balance were determined. According to the results of the study, the ways of increasing the efficiency of taxation in the sphere of foreign trade are substantiated. The main indicators of the effectiveness of customs control in terms of formation of additional payments to the budget from adjusting the customs value. Prospects of increase of additional revenues to the budget on the basis of improvement of methods of customs control of the value of imported goods are determined. It is proposed to change the approaches to the formation and implementation of customs policy on the basis of improving the organization of customs control and strengthening of the control function, while maintaining measures aimed at simplifying customs procedures.


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How to Cite
Menliosmanov, Z. (2019). ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF TAX REVENUE TO THE BUDGET OF UKRAINE FROM FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 157-163.
Money, finance and credit