Keywords: profit, finance, economy, financial indicators, enterprise, development


The article looks at the category of "profit" as a financial indicator and draws attention to its characteristics. There are two sides to the profit category, like a metal coin. That is, there are both economic and financial sides with profit characteristics. The purpose of the article is to offer and justify the possibilities and feasibility of applying the category of "profit" in the form of financial category to expand the financial instruments to influence the purposeful development of business entities. The classification of principles of financial and economic analysis of data that can be used in the assessment of the current state and in forecasting the development of business entities is presented. It is noted that not only traditional economic indicators, which traditionally paid attention to management, but also profit as a financial indicator, serve as the basis for managing business entities. In the process of management, profit in the form of a financial indicator becomes a tool for influencing the activity of an entity. At the same time, profit, as an economic indicator, is solely the result of an entity's activity. In this sense, the difference between profit and financial and economic indicators is shown. It is time, in our opinion, when it is necessary to move away from the pattern that profit is characterized solely by the result that describes the dynamics of managing the basic economic indicators. There is a reverse regulatory impact, namely, managing profits, both externally and directly within the enterprise. Some directions of development of such view on profit are considered. Conclusions have been made regarding the prospects for the possible use of such an instrument for regulating the activities of economic entities. There is a financial field for managing the profit of economic entities. Under the influence of external factors, it is quite possible to have a financial managerial impact on profit, which will, as a consequence, change the economic and financial indicators of the entity. It is noted that there are levers from the enterprise as well as from the state administration for making management decisions in the management and forecasting system.


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How to Cite
Зайцев, О., & Mohylny, V. (2019). FINANCIAL VIEW ON THE PROFIT MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 142-146.
Money, finance and credit