• Marina Bilinets ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана» https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5816-0080
Keywords: higher education, system of financing higher education, sources of financing, forms of financing, methods of financing


The article considers the elements the system of financing of higher education institutions in Ukraine. It is proved that higher education plays a significant role in the development of the economy and society. It also review the methods of state financing of higher education and the problems of their use. The paper identifies the main principles of funding higher education and problems with its using in Ukraine, which significantly influenced the current situation in this area. The article reveals the main methods of financing higher education, such as direct and irreversible methods. We study the form of financial support of higher educational institutions than can use according to this methods in the article. Having considered the main forms and methods of state financing higher education are considered and the principles of their economic based. Having defined the possibility of developing a "higher education - business" partnership is explored, benefits from their cooperation for both sides. We study the main forms of interaction between higher education institutions and businesses that are actively used in foreign countries and could be used in Ukraine. In the course of the study, there are some problems that hamper the development of partnership in this direction. We study educational credits, as one of the form of financing higher education in foreign countries, but in Ukraine this program was closed 6 years ago. The article identifies the model of financing higher education, which should satisfy higher educational institutions for the use of this resource, based on foreign experience. We consider the result financing model, financing on the based of exenditures and contractual finsncing (performance contract). It also review the experience of using this models at practice. Having identified the main difficulties and problems associated with the use of these models of financing in Ukraine. Having defined the block-grants as one of forms funding higher, because it help universities really can allocate funds for their needs and it is a base of university’s financial autonomy. It is proved that improvement of financing of higher education needs further diversification of sources.


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How to Cite
Bilinets, M. (2019). HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCING SYSTEM: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 136-141. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/9.22
Money, finance and credit