Keywords: non-standard labor relations, borrowed labor, labor market, employees’ social and labor rights, legal regulation


The article examines the problems and approaches to regulation of non-standard labor relations, which have been rapidly spreading in Ukraine in the last 2 decades, in the context of observance of formally and informally employees’ social and labor rights. The research methodology involves identifying acute problems of functioning of non-standard employment in Ukraine and justifying approaches to their solution based on the experience of world leading countries and the International Labor Organization recommendations. The interest of the business community in reducing the production resources’ cost and improving the production facilities’ efficiency has transformed borrowed labor into an integral factor in nowadays globalized economy. At the same time, the phenomenon of non-standard labor relations in developing countries is characterized by a spectrum of multiplied negatives related to social dumping, decreasing in the employees’ level and quality of life, worsening of the practice of standardized social and labor guarantees’ implementation, widening of the national economies’ shadow sector, increasing of unjustified social inequality. Therefore, despite the extensive study of the principles, practices and issues of non-standard employment in the world and national economic literature, there are a number of problems that requires further disclosure. Among them – the assessment of its benefits and threats to balance the national labor market, the identification of the factors and levers for effective legal and administrative regulation of the split labor relations in order to observe the formally and informally employees’ social and labor rights. Current priorities for regulation of non-standard labor relations in Ukraine are concentrated around the normalization of labor legislation, ensuring decent working conditions and fiscal discipline at specific enterprises, optimization of national labor inspections. Thus the practical value of the article is determined by the justification of the priority measures to optimize working conditions and living standards of the borrowed employees.


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How to Cite
Bogush, L. (2019). NON-STANDARD EMPLOYMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF COMPLIANCE WITH SOCIAL AND LABOR RIGHTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 122-130.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy