• Nataliia Andriiv Uzhgorod National University
Keywords: mechanism, regulation, purpose, task, object, subject, principles, functions, methods, tools


The article identifies the labor market and states that its main elements are labor supply and demand, its price and cost. The essence of such categories as “mechanism”, “mechanism of labor market regulation”, “mechanism of state regulation of the labor market”, as well as “mechanism of regulation of safe development of the labor market” are determined. The objects of labor market regulation are the processes of matching demand and supply, the functioning and reproduction of labor, employment and unemployment. The subjects of labor market regulation are government bodies and institutions. According to the author, the mechanism for regulating the safe development of the labor market is a harmonious combination of market mechanisms of self-regulation and a system of measures of corporate or state influence on various parameters of the market in order to establish its equilibrium, strengthening the personal safety of citizens, economic security of enterprises, as well as economic, social and national security of the state. It is noted that the labor market is regulated by market, corporate, state and interstate, the combination of which depends on a number of factors that are formed depending on time and place. It is substantiated that market regulation is spontaneous, while corporate, state and interstate – as opposed to market regulation – are quite involved, strictly regulated. The conditions for optimal delimitation of the spheres of activity of the state and the market for its regulation have been established. The liberal (American), paternalistic (Japanese) and social democratic (Swedish) models of functioning of the labor market are characterized. It is established that the key elements of the labor market are the purpose, task, object, object, subject, principles, functions, methods, tools that are formed depending on the time and territorial parameters of the market, as well as according to the peculiarities of economic and political development of the country, social stability of society, mentality of the population, national traditions, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor resources, etc. for a certain period of time. The basic measures for effective regulation of safe development of the labor market at this stage of the country's development are formulated.


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How to Cite
Andriiv, N. (2019). MECHANISMS OF REGULATION OF SAFETY DEVELOPMENT OF THE LABOR MARKET. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 117-121.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy