• Iryna Dashko Faculty of Kryvyi Rih Zaporizhzhya National University
Keywords: competitiveness, enterprise, investment, provision, project


The purpose of the article is a study of the processes of formation and use of investment resources to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. Methodology. The basis of the research is the methods of system analysis. The methodology of scientific knowledge is the basis for comparative analysis. Abstracting allowed us to analyze global competitiveness indices. Results. When assessing the state of investment potential of an enterprise for ensuring competitiveness, the main areas of research at a domestic enterprise should be the design block, the functional block, the resource block, the organizational block and the management block. It is advisable to formulate an investment policy, ie to determine the priority areas of investment activity of the company and to develop a strategy for ensuring competitiveness. On the basis of the identified priority areas for ensuring competitiveness, it is advisable to draw up a program of investment activities, ie to analyze and select the best options for investment projects, to form a portfolio of investment projects of the company. Investment resources are transformed into objects of industrial and non-productive sphere of the enterprise providing strategic development and accordingly competitiveness. Investment goods (means of production) differ from consumer goods in that the latter satisfy the needs directly, while the former do so indirectly, ensuring the production of consumer goods. Practical implications. In general, the whole process of implementing an investment project is a complex of quite time-consuming activities that require detailed and accurate calculation. How many professionally and qualitatively the planning of each stage of the planned activity was carried out will ultimately depend on the strategic development of the enterprise and ultimately the competitive advantages of the enterprise. Value/originality. The objectives of the investment activity of the enterprise should be an integral part of the plan of development of the domestic enterprise for ensuring competitiveness. The basic directions of research of investment climate of the enterprise should be: research of strategic sphere (macroclimate) and research of strategic zone (microclimate)


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How to Cite
Dashko, I. (2019). INVESTMENTS IN ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 93-97.
Economics and business management