Keywords: convergence, convergence, emergence, emergence, NBICS, NBICS, triggers and mechanisms, triggers and mechanisms, parts, parts, system, system


The article deals with the interpretation of the concept of «convergence», analyzes the hypothesis of convergence and peculiarities of its formation. The convergence hypothesis in the economy is based on the effect of “catching up” to a poorer country (with low per capita incomes) at higher rates of economic growth than in developed (rich) countries. As a result, the per capita income level of all economies ultimately converges at one point. Developing countries have the potential to grow at a higher rate than developed countries, since the declining profitability of factors of production (in particular, capital) is smaller than in the rich countries. The effects of convergence of economic systems, which have further manifestations of emergence, due to the prolongation of the convergence properties of parts of this system, are highlighted. The presence of convergence properties creates a favorable environment for the emergence of «new» system properties that were not inherent in parts before. The system of convergent and emergent properties of the economic system is presented. Endogenous triggers and mechanisms used to ensure data integrity and implementation of complex business process logic are characterized. The inequalities of national economies are presented, which reflects the conditions for economies where one is more “prone” to expanding resource and production potential due to the mobilization of gross investments accumulated from compensation in the course of economic activity of fixed assets. The author states that emergenсе manifestations of the system occur in the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and technologies, society based on the cognitive sciences. The author's vision of the mechanism of combining these parts is given, when the system becomes endowed with «new» qualities that were not inherent in the parts of this system before and the emergence effects can be achieved. On the basis of this study, the classification features are distinguished in the system, which is proposed to be divided into two classes. The proposed emergenсe convergence NBIСSЕ and additive convergence NBIСSА.


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How to Cite
НurochkinaV. (2019). CONVERGENCE AS THE BASIS OF EMERGENCY OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 89-92.
Economics and business management