Keywords: innovations, development, resources, agricultural enterprise, financing, investments


In the domestic enterprises of agricultural sphere the effective use of mechanisms and means of activation of innovative development is conditioned by peculiarities in the issues of financial and investment opportunities, production process, technologies, regulatory and legal support, intellectual property, implementation process, etc. The research methodology is based on theoretical developments and scientific tools, including methods of dynamic series construction, comparative and economic analysis, it allows to systematize and determine tendencies of investment support of innovative development. The source of the research data is the data on investment processes in the agricultural sector in the Khmelnytskyi oblast, which were published by the General Directorate of Statistics in the Khmelnytskyi oblast, taking into account the period of 2010-2018. The purpose of the article is to define and substantiate the mechanisms and tools for activating innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises. The necessity of reproduction of agroindustrial enterprises by means of innovative development is substantiated. The constituent mechanisms of the system of activation of innovative development and the tools for providing innovative development of enterprises in general and its structural elements in particular are determined. The state of financing of innovative development of the region is analyzed and directions for activation of this type of development are defined. The necessity of introduction of such mechanisms of activation of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises, such as organizational-institutional, economic, production and technological, commercial and marketing, and social-motivational, is substantiated. The tools, ensuring the positive effect of these mechanisms, are outlined. It is determined that the innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises entails high investment risks. The use of these mechanisms will allow to gain additional competitive advantages for economic entities, attract new sources of investment resources, and ensure their effective use, activate external programs of investment and innovation cooperation, provide a basis for creating clusters and other modern forms of associations for innovative development of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Voloshchuk, V., & Bohachyk, S. (2019). MECHANISMS OF PROVIDING INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 77-82.
Economics and business management