Keywords: innovative activity, construction innovation, innovative infrastructure, institutional support, state innovation policy, technology transfer


The article is devoted to the modern problems and perfection’s tendencies of institutional support innovation in construction. The purpose of the article is to identify problems of institutional support of innovative activity in construction and directions of their resolving. The methods of analysis, systematization, grouping that determine the directions of development of institutional support for innovative activity in construction are considered. Also the instruments of state financial support for modernization of technological and production activity of enterprises in the construction industry are considered. One of the main obstacles to the innovation development in construction is the inadequate management of innovation at all levels. The features of regulatory regulation of innovative activity in construction were also scattered. International experience demonstrates the decisive role of institutional support for the development of a powerful innovation sector, the financial base of which is based on the mortgage lending system. The experience of institutional support for housing finance in the US and Germany is being studied. It is noted that innovative development in these countries is largely driven by the financing of internal R&D expenditures. The components, functions and directions of development of the subjects of innovative infrastructure in Ukraine are defined, the central role is devoted to research, scientific and technical educational institutions. Emphasis is placed on the need to curb the outflow of scientific personnel abroad and improve the quality of their training. The analysis of the distribution of innovative enterprises by type of innovation in 2018 revealed that in the construction non-technological (organizational, marketing) innovations are predominantly used, it’s 65.6% in 2018. The introduction of new state building codes will further contribute to the implementation of the latest methods and technologies for the execution of works, improving energy efficiency, quality, safety of construction. Perspective directions of activation of innovative activity in construction are the formation of a modern national innovation system that would be able to combine science, education and training system, technology transfer institutions and its own construction.


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Economics and national economy management