Keywords: energy security, oil and gas complex, oil products, oil industry, gas industry, gas resources, fuel and energy resources


The oil and gas complex of Ukraine is at the forefront among the basic branches of the fuel and energy complex. Today, Ukraine's oil and gas complex plays a key role in the country's economy as a whole. One component and pledge of Ukraine's energy security and independence is an efficient gas industry, on which the development of the economy as a whole, industry, agriculture, services, utilities, etc. depends. Due to the high gas intensity of GDP, Ukraine's gas sector is the most problematic, generating import dependency and contributing to the spread of corruption. The main problems of the gas sector are the monopoly position of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine and the need for modernization of the GTS, as well as the absence of: a “liberalized” and organized natural gas market; membership of the supply system operator in ENTSO-G; economically sound tariffs and rates for subsoil use; reorganization of enterprises; conditions for attracting investors. The main problems of the oil sector are: imperfect legislation, corruption, shadow business, over-regulation of the permitting system, unstable rent and tax rules. All this does not contribute to improving the business climate in the industry and, as a consequence, the real enrichment of the country as a whole. In Ukraine, in order to reach the world level of development in the oil sector, it is necessary to revise the technological policy of the state, focusing on its development in the direction of innovations for more efficient use of raw materials (oil) and improving the quality of petroleum products. In order to ensure economic security and overcome the security threats in the energy sector, the state must have developed effective mechanisms and tools to improve the efficiency of the industry in the context of globalization, taking into account the world trends. The priority tasks should be: optimization of production, diversification of sources of supply, modernization of existing capacities and increasing the competitiveness of the industry, the formation of a single legal framework, taking into account international standards, the introduction of an effective system of state regulation and control, activation of scientific potential and promotion of innovation and innovation. Euro, review and set competitive rates and more.


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How to Cite
Zavgorodniy, R., & Shmygol, N. (2019). THE CURRENT SITUATION AND PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OIL AND GAS SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 24-30.
Economics and national economy management