• Natalia Chernenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • L. Zinchenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: tourism industry, tourist flows, influence factors, tourism activity, directions of tourism industry development


The current state of tourism development as a priority branch of the economy, was analyzes at the article. The essence of the economic category of tourism and its importance for economic development are determined. Ukraine has significant tourism potential and also has all the prerequisites for the development of domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, was noted at the article. The statistical data on the development of tourism activity of Ukraine, namely the dynamics of tourist flow of foreign citizens to Ukraine and Ukrainians who went abroad, the dynamics of direct employment of the population in the tourism sector, the dynamics of the share of the tourism industry in the GDP of Ukraine and the dynamics of the state financing of tourism are analyzed. A volume decrease of the tourist flow as well as a decreasing in the growth rate of the tourism industry during 2013–2019, was analyzed. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of tourism industry development, the directions of tourism development in Ukraine are determined. The departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad is developing at a rapid pace however; the international tourist flow to Ukraine is characterized by a sharp decrease in the volume of international tourists and a decrease in the rate of development of tourist activity. It happened because of: social and political instability in the country, lack of an effective policy to enhance the international image of Ukraine, poor condition of the road surface and transport connections between the regions of Ukraine, low quality of customer service, low culture of tourism industry management, has been explained by the authors. The development of the tourism industry of Ukraine should be based on: improvement the material and technical base of the tourism industry; drafting an advertising and information support, namely, dissemination of the information about Ukraine’s tourist opportunities in the world; improving the efficiency of Ukraine’s tourism connections with other countries; improving a specialist’s skills and bringing in private investments into tourism industry by providing legal guarantees to investors and insurance against commercial risks, were emphasized in the article.


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How to Cite
Chernenko, N., & Zinchenko, L. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM AS A PRIORITY SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (8), 99-104.
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