Keywords: machine building, enterprise, interaction, communications, quasi-integration structure


The article establishes functional production-economic and general economic relations within the framework of quasi-integration structures (QIS) on the basis of machine-building enterprises. The importance of development of domestic mechanical engineering is noted. Fundamentally problematic facts of the development of domestic engineering are remained: significant wear and tear of equipment at enterprises; low activity on design and use of innovative products; absence of a number of high-tech machine-building industries in Ukraine; uncompetitiveness of goods in quality and technology used in comparison with foreign counterparts. The development of machine-building enterprises on the basis of creation of QIS of cooperating enterprises is suggested. The study of professional literary sources has led to the conclusion that insufficient attention is paid to the specifics of the machine-building industry and to the study of the relations between the cooperating enterprises. The basic prerequisites for the development of QIS are validities on the basis of machine-building enterprises in strategic, social, organizational-economic and technical-economic directions. Within the QIS, the basic, auxiliary, related and servicing components have been allocated on the basis of machine-building enterprises. Relationships between cooperating enterprises within QIS have been established. Eighteen functional industrial-economic and common economic relations within the QIS on the basis of machine-building enterprises were found, as follows: product-raw material; successive stages of the technological process; for the manufacture of the common product; to provide fixed assets; quality connections; using identical or interchangeable resources; integrated use of resources; the use of waste occurs between two production sites; ecological relations; communications to ensure operating conditions; infrastructure use; product-fuel links; supplement ties; on training and advanced training of personnel; coordination; ties on the commonality of the managed object and to the commonality of the managed object; ties to meet identical or interchangeable needs.


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