• Iegor Biriukov PHEI “Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University”
Keywords: functioning, power companies, systematic approach, power system management, institutional conditions for enterprise development


The article describes the institutional foundations of the operation of electric power companies in modern integration realities. It is established that according to the classification of economic activities, electricity companies belong to section D “supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning”. This type of economic activity includes various groups, including the group “generation, transmission and distribution of electricity”. In its turn, this group of enterprises combines such classes by classification of economic activities as: electricity generation, electricity transmission, electricity distribution and electricity trading. The activities of the electricity companies are directly related and are part of the electricity system. It is substantiated that in the definitional sense the concepts are “energy economy”, “unified energy system”, “energy system of national economy”, “energy complex”, which are used in energy in the sense of systematic unity of production, transformation, transportation, transmission of different types of energy , their distribution, sales and consumption. It is found that integrating concepts is the application of energy systems theory. Functioning of electric power companies largely depends on the management of the energy system at the state level, which combines state regulation and market mechanisms, includes mechanisms of regulation of natural monopolies, tariff policy in accordance with the principles of realization of public interests. It is established that improving the functioning of the energy system is possible only if a consensus is reached between all its participants, while maintaining a balance of interests between producers and consumers of electricity. It is substantiated that the functioning of energy enterprises largely depends on the created institutional conditions for the development of the entire energy system of the state, which combines state regulation and market mechanisms, includes mechanisms for regulating natural monopolies, tariff policy in accordance with the principles of realization of public interests.


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