• Yuliia Shushkova Lviv National Univercity by I. Franko
Keywords: technological modernization, functions and tasks, state innovation and technological policy


The goal of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of the state policy of support and stimulation of technological reforms in Ukraine. It was established that the basic tasks of the state technological modernization policy are not fulfilled in Ukraine. In the process of research methods are used: comparative analysis – for comparing the level of development of innovation and technological activities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union; analysis and synthesis – for the formation of conclusions on the efficiency of the state policy to ensure technological modernization of the economy of Ukraine in terms of functions. With regard to the task of organization and management, it is the lack of central authority and local structures that ensure the formation and implementation of state policy. As to the task of planning, a system of strategic planning of technological modernization of the economy, absent – concrete instruments and mechanisms of regulation, is unreformed. Concerning the task of formation of the right field, the need to review the provisions of the basic normative legal acts regulating innovation and technological activity, in particular towards strengthening of effective instruments of stimulation and support the development of innovative and technological activities. As to the task of becoming an infrastructure, the level of development and weak institutional capacity of infrastructure elements of support and stimulation of the process of technological modernization of the national economy are low. As to the task of ensuring motivation, the weak remains the ability of the financial and credit system to promote innovation and technological development of the economy. The methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the state policy of technological modernization of the economy is improved. In contrast to the classical analysis of the method of qualitative analysis with colds of quantitative indicators, providing the consistent verification of functions and implementation of basic tasks of state policy in the analytical sphere is proposed. Consideration and correction of identified shortcomings of the state policy of technological modernization will allow the supreme bodies of public administration to improve the main instruments of state regulation in the field of innovation and technology Economic development.


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