• Serhii Voitko Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
  • Victoriia Tkach Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: Industry 4.0, project, startup, High-Tech companies, Germany, Ukraine


The article examines the first attempts of implementing Industry 4.0 principles into businesses around the world. It is determined that the use of technology inherent in Industry 4.0 enables manufacturing companies to avoid disruptions in work, reduce idle time by 50 percent in average and increase production by 20 percent. Since Germany was the “originating point” of Industry 4.0, a description of the first automation and diffusion projects began from this country since 2011. The article provides information on German projects such as RES-COM, which works on the automated storage of resources through tightly coupled and integrated systems in the context of Industry 4.0, CyPros – a project for the study and development of cyber physical systems modules for industrial and logistics systems in the industry, and a digital copy of the German concern Siemens AG, 2011, 2012 and 2013 years respectively. The article further describes the spread of the industrial boom to all developed countries, primarily the United States of America. Successful experimental US startups such as Oculus – a special design in Virtual Reality in 2012, and the Lighthouse factory for special sportswear design in 2016, have been analyzed. The activity of Japanese enterprises in the field of Industry 4.0 is also analyzed on the example of Omron, SEIREN CO. and Daikin companies. The ratings of the most high-tech companies according to the MIT Technology Review and Fortune Global 500 are presented and analyzed. It is found that in both lists US companies are not only leading, but also holding the majority. According to MIT Technology Review, China and Denmark were also ranked in top 15, and according to the Fortune Global 500 Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan and China were also included in top 15. In Ukraine, industry development was divided into four periods. It was found that the process of active industry automation and digitization, significant growth in investment in new technologies and mass production of Industry 4.0 products in Ukraine had not yet begun, while enterprises across the industrial world have been doing it for the last 8 years.


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How to Cite
Voitko, S., & Tkach, V. (2019). THE FIRST PRACTICES OF INDUSTRY 4.0 PRINCIPLES IMPLEMENTING IN INDUSTRY AND SERVICES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (8), 57-61.
Practice innovation and entrepreneurship