• Petro Krush Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
  • Pavlo Krush Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: economic growth model, sustainable development model, inclusive development model, aggregate inclusive development indicator (IDI)


The article summarizes the main features of the models of economic growth and sustainable development, reveals the criteria that are inherent to them. The necessity of their research to assess the state of efficiency of national economies is determined. The necessity of using the model of inclusive development is substantiated, its content and characteristics are analyzed. It is proved that the model of inclusive development relates to the free access of everyone to all resources, the opportunity to realize human potential in different spheres and branches of public life. It is determined that improving economic efficiency is aimed at improving the social standards of all members of society and raising the level of social justice. The system of indicators and the aggregated indicator of inclusive development (IDI), which makes it possible to more comprehensively assess the state of economic, social and environmental development of countries, is analyzed and revealed.


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How to Cite
Krush, P., & Krush, P. (2019). INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (8), 52-56.
Theoretical and empirical research