• Liubov Smoliar International University of Finance, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Natalia Skorobogatova National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: innovations, international competitiveness, efficiency, innovative development, financing, human resources, strategy, Industry 4.0


The trends of innovative development of Ukraine during 2010-2018 were investigated in the article. Based on the analysis of the results of global ratings (Global Competitiveness Index, Business Doing Index, Global Innovation Index), competitive advantages and threats of innovative development of the national economy of Ukraine are determined. These advantages and disadvantages are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution. It was determined that, despite the simplification of the conditions for opening and doing business in the country, the level of international competitiveness has been slowly decreasing in recent years. Based on a comparative analysis of statistical data for Ukraine and the EU countries, it is proved that, despite the high value of higher education indicators and the creation of knowledge, the number of research and development performers, Ukraine is below the average for the EU countries and tends to worsen its position in the Global innovation ranking. Based on the analysis of the structure of research funding sources, it is determined that one of the reasons for the lack of effectiveness of innovative development is the isolation of business from science and research. The conducted study allowed us to conclude that there are negative aspects in the innovative development of Ukraine: imperfection of the system of institutions that ensure the development of the state, in particular, the political, regulatory, and business environment; insufficiently developed innovative infrastructure; insufficient quality management system of enterprises and the lack of a strategic vision for further development, taking into account the changing external environment, taking into account the innovative transformations of Industry 4.0 and the global economy. Strategic measures are proposed to enhance the innovative development of Ukraine and increase its international competitiveness in the conditions of Industry 4.0: increasing the effectiveness of training taking into account modern innovative technologies used in the world; integration of business, science, state into a single ecosystem to create an innovative infrastructure and an effective regulatory space; creation of innovative clusters in the field of Industry 4.0; introduction of innovative technologies of Industry 4.0 at all stages of the product (service) life cycle, etс.


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How to Cite
Smoliar, L., & Skorobogatova, N. (2019). STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE IN INDUSTRY 4.0. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (8), 14-22.
Theoretical and empirical research