• Nataliia Koba International University of Finance
  • Maksym Koba International University of Finance
Keywords: cooperation, forms, organizations, collaboration, strategy, resources, knowledge


The subject of this scientific article is forms of cooperation in business. The purpose of the article is to analyze, systematize and summarize the existing theoretical provisions regarding modern forms of cooperation in business. The study was conducted using a systematic approach, scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. The results of the research are generalization of existing forms of corporation in business and their systematization. The authors examined the prerequisites for the growth of cooperation processes between individual organizations and highlighted the signs of cooperation. The definition and own understanding of the cooperation process are given in the article by the authors. The article provides a summary classification of organizational forms of cooperation in business depending on the type of activity to which it is directed. The authors chose sales, distribution, production, R&D and innovation in these types of activities. The study found that most of the cooperative processes of modern business are directed to the development of innovative activities, which is an integral part of the knowledge economy. Among them are strategic alliances, clusters, innovation networks and business-ecosystems. The main reason of such cooperation authors see in formation of global knowledge economy, where knowledge is the most important resource and source of competitive advantages. As a tool for choosing cooperation strategy and organizational form of that cooperation the authors proposed a model of resource exchange between partners S. Paris and J. K. Henderson. Depending on the level of concealment, complexity and specificity of resources, the strategy of providing resources to the partner, resource pooling strategy, strategy of development of intellectual potential and strategy of using knowledge of partner are selected.


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How to Cite
Koba, N., & Koba, M. (2019). FORMS OF COOPERATION IN BUSINESS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (7), 75-79.
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