• Liubov Smoliar International University of Finance, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Olena Trofymenko International University of Finance, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: knowledge management, renewable energy, enterprise development


The trends of renewable energy development and peculiarities of knowledge management in this field are investigated in the article. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the development of renewable energy and features of knowledge management at enterprises in this field. The basic principles at the national and international levels for the development of renewable energy in Ukraine are identified. The structure of electricity production from different sources of generation is investigated. Dynamics of energy consumption based on renewable sources from 2007 to 2018 are analyzed. Based on the dynamics analysis it is established that energy consumption based on wind and solar energy is growing rapidly. It is determined that the facilities of wind energy systems and solar energy systems accounted for more than 99% of installed capacity due to renewable energy sources in Q1 2019. There is an increase in the number of enterprises in the renewable energy sector, which requires the introduction of knowledge management approaches for their further development. The main aspects of knowledge management at the renewable energy enterprises are determined, which are caused by the sectoral features of the functioning of these enterprises. Examples of scientific, technological and managerial knowledge on the example of renewable energy are given. The directions of application of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards in the field of renewable energy are detailed, namely: solar energy, solid biofuels, energy management, hydrogen technologies, environmental management, heat pumps and others. The formation of external networks and the use of IT technologies are of particular importance. The main drivers (driving forces) in knowledge management for realization in the renewable energy enterprises are defined and characterized, namely: knowledge creation, knowledge search, knowledge storage, knowledge exchange, organizational training. The main competences of the modern renewable energy project manager are noted.


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How to Cite
Smoliar, L., & Trofymenko, O. (2019). TRANSFORMATION OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR BASED ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (7), 69-74.
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