• Valentyna Marchenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: competitive strategies, competitive advantages, competition, enterprises, consumer behavior


The purpose of the article is to compare the factors of formation and best practice of implementation of competitive strategies by Ukrainian enterprises. The description of the implementation of competitive strategies by the leaders of the respective markets allowed to identify the evolution of the main means of their competitiveness and to summarize the main factors that influence the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise in the market and determine the effectiveness of implementation of the selected competitive strategy. It is revealed that such factors are the ability of an enterprise to influence consumer behavior through directed information flow and unique product properties, the ability to meet consumer demand at the lowest cost, which is achieved through the formation of closed technological cycles and logistics chains, the ability to maintain market leadership in the market through policy renewal. Innovation and non-standard strategic decisions are the tools for the implementation of certain capabilities. It is revealed that in the modern economy there are significant changes both in consumer needs (individualization of needs) and in instruments of their satisfaction (personalization of sales). The competitive advantages of the enterprise, which ensure their competitiveness and compliance with consumer needs, are the structure of the portfolio of assortment items and brands, information support of product properties, confirmation of their safety and quality, the formation of complete technological cycles of production and logistics infrastructure, innovative production research centers and production of sample products. Changes in preferences and style of consumer behavior in today’s world transform both the market and the behavior of its participants. It is established that in today’s market economy, consumer behavior in the market is the main source of effectiveness of competitive strategy. The difference has become a feature of modern goods, and the superiority in the supply of innovative goods in the market ensures the profitability of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Marchenko, V. (2019). PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OF IMPLEMENTING COMPETITION STRATEGIES OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (7), 65-68.
Practice innovation and entrepreneurship