Keywords: structure of economy, elements of structure of economy, proportions of structure of economy


The article examines the essence of the structure of the economy and determines its importance in relation to the dynamics and direction of economic development of the country. It is established that the development of the economic system is constantly influenced by a number of internal and external factors that determine its direction and dynamics. Under the influence of the above factors, the structure of the economy is formed – a set of industries, spheres of economic activity, interconnected by the social division of labor, covering the production of goods, exchange, distribution and consumption of them, as well as various organizational forms and institutions in which economic processes occur, economic activity of people in a sure way to organize the economic life of society in order to solve its key problems. The above structure is quite complex and consists of a set of relatively interrelated elements, each of which has a distinct role, but is engaged in the achievement of common goals, while maintaining the immutability of its basic properties under the influence of external and internal factors. Among these elements are identified: reproductive, sectoral, institutional, territorial, foreign economic, sectoral, technological and social structures. In turn, the state of these elements of the structure of the economy is determined by certain proportions. These proportions form the structural model of the economy of a country. The imbalances arising in these proportions lead to a crisis in the structure of the country’s economy. But these proportions undergo constant changes, which indicate the dynamics of the structure. These changes are different, which, in turn, leads to structural changes and the formation of a new structure of the economy. That is why the state economic policy of the country should be built taking into account the proportions in the elements of the structure of the economy and accordingly influence their change in order to build an optimal structure of the economy, which would not only contribute to the improvement of economic indicators in comparison with the previous period, but also contribute to the achievement of the potential possible level.


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How to Cite
Derhaliuk, B. (2019). STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF ECONOMY AND THEIR PROPORTIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (7), 52-55.
Theoretical and empirical research