• Volodymyr Zaychenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Keywords: economic competitiveness, technological component, , state technological policy


The urgency of the formation of technological competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy under the current global challenges and threats is substantiated. The analysis of the national institutional and organizational system of state policy of ensuring technological competitiveness of the economy has been carried out. The state of the institutional and legal system of the state policy of ensuring technological competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy is revealed. The results of the analysis of the state policy of ensuring the technological competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy by management functions are presented. The urgency of the formation and implementation of the state policy of providing the technological competitiveness of the economy in the conditions of globalization and strengthening of international competition is substantiated. The urgency of generalization and refinement of theoretical and methodical principles of the formation of instruments of state policy ensuring technological competitiveness of the economy is strengthened. A number of classical and modern instruments of state policy providing technological competitiveness of the economy are offered. It is indicated by their advantages and disadvantages. The matrix of the formation and selection of state policy instruments for providing technological competitiveness of the economy was developed. It is established that the disadvantages of the state policy of ensuring technological competitiveness in the function of analysis are the lack of a system of complex analysis and evaluation of innovation and technical activity; by function of planning – non-institutionalization of the system of programming and planning of technological competitiveness of economy; by function of the organization - non-construction of a complete organizational and institutional system of state regulation of innovative activity; by function of motivation – absence of sufficient customs-tariff and budget-tax stimulation of innovation and technological activity; the control function is the lack of formation of the environment of independent institutions for monitoring and control of the state innovation and technological policy.


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How to Cite
Zaychenko, V. (2019). AREAS OF TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETITIVENESS OF UKRAINE’S ECONOMY IMPROVEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (7), 33-38.
Theoretical and empirical research