Keywords: potential of Ukraine, Marshall’s plan, transformation of the economy


The comparative characteristics are presented of the potential of Ukraine for 1990 and 2018 by such indicators as population, GDP, gross domestic product by purchasing power parity, agricultural complex potential, human development index and efficiency of use of transit potential of Ukraine. The implementation of the Marshall Plan, its nature and the countries that accept the assistance offered to them under the plan are considered. The facts of how the Marshall Plan helped accelerate the process of industrialization in the post-war European countries and how it affected the further development of the countries, namely the living standards of people in the country and their place in the international market are presented. An example of the effective use of assistance provided under the Marshall Plan in Germany, which was destroyed after the war in 1945 and is now a member of the Big Seven. The problems that hinder the development of Ukraine and do not allow it to take a worthy place in the international arena, including transforming the national economy of Ukraine, which is necessary for effective economic growth, are mentioned. Some previous attempts to transform the Ukrainian economy are analyzed, and the consequences of these changes are presented. Attention is drawn to the importance of changes in the political, institutional and cultural spheres, without which successful transformation of the economy is impossible. Recommendations for Ukraine on cooperation with other countries, acceptance of aid and its rational use are given. As one of the problems is the lack of financial resources in the country, it also looks at measures that are needed to attract international investment and develop those areas of production where Ukraine has significant potential to use resources more efficiently and grow the economy as a whole. The importance of the level of education of citizens is pointed out and the impact on the number of people employed in the intangible sphere of production is analyzed. It is considered what assistance Western countries have received in recent years and how it has affected the overall standard of living of people in the country. The factors that can transform Ukraine’s economy based on the Marshall Plan are considered.


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How to Cite
Voitko, S., & Vyshnevska, A. (2019). OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSFORMATION OF THE UKRAINIAN ECONOMY BASED ON THE MARSHALL PLAN. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (7), 7-12. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/7.1
Theoretical and empirical research