• А.Ю. Погребняк National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • O. Trofymenko National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • V. Hushuliak International University of Finance
Keywords: innovation, innovative product, startup, agro-industrial complex, business incubator, industry 4.0


The article is devoted to the analysis of the real state of introduction of start-ups of the agro-industrial sector in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is proved that under the conditions of "Industry 4.0" the vital importance of providing the agro-industrial sector of the national economy with innovative products. The analysis of economic literature on the definition of agronomy innovations is carried out. Implementation of agronomic innovations that are being introduced at agroindustrial enterprises creates additional economic, environmental and social effects. A characteristic feature of agronomy innovation is the use in the innovation process of natural factors and components, which in this case act as direct objects of agro-innovative activity. Ukraine is a net exporter of products in the agro-industrial sector. Analyzing statistical data, during 2009-2018 exports of agricultural products from Ukraine increased from $ 9.5 billion to $ 18.6 billion in 2018. A large number of approved agreements, programs and strategies affecting the development of export of products in the agro-industrial sector. However, in Ukraine there is no single strategic program of development of agro-industrial complex. In the framework of the support of the "E-Governance" program, EGAP Challenge competitions were organized in 2016-2017 for the purpose of accountability of authorities and community participation. In 2017, according to the Global Innovation Index of countries with the most innovative economy, Ukraine ranked 42th, losing one position in comparison with the previous year. It is substantiated that human capital is the locomotive of Ukrainian innovation competitiveness. Its effective implementation is central to gaining competitive advantage. The priority directions of technological decisions in the field of agro-industrial production of Ukraine are summarized in terms of their essence and ways of achievement. Research of startups based on agro-industrial enterprises in the industry 4.0 shows a number of obstacles that can be overcome with the involvement of the state and its involvement in regulatory and control aspects. However, creating conditions for their development is a process that depends on many conditions in the complex.


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How to Cite
Погребняк, А., Trofymenko, O., & Hushuliak, V. (2018). FEATURES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF STARTUPS AT THE AGROSHERE IN THE INDUSTRY 4.0. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 130-136. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/156
Practice innovation and entrepreneurship