• О. Korogodova National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: FDI, digitalization of social relations, TNCs, transnational structures, Industry 4.0.


The article deals with the issues of world socio-economic transformations during the period of digitalization of social relations. The main tendencies in the process of transnationalization of modern business are highlighted. The relevance of the research of innovative structures of the transnational type of entrepreneurship – the leading economic actors transforming social processes – is indicated. The process of evaluating the actions of transnational companies for the organization of their own activities outside the national territory by the International Labor Organization is described. The significance of the factors of formation of transnationalization policy is revealed. The distribution of direct foreign investments between countries by type of development is presented. The basis of the theory of foreign dependence in the international economy is indicated. The mechanisms of implementation of the policy of governments of developing countries in the field of interaction with TNCs are outlined. Measures recommended by the United Nations to improve the efficiency of transnational corporations in developing countries are noted. The main problems of the economic content encountered by transnational corporations in developing countries are presented. The process of disaggregation of TNC value chain and transfer of activity to the host country, which leads to the internationalization of R&D activities under the conditions of Industry 4.0, is characterised. The rating of telecommunication structures of transnational type of entrepreneurship is given. Technological companies that are included in TOP-10 TNCs of the world are listed. In the context of developing countries policies, a number of TNCs' rules of conduct in the field of hiring, training, ensuring the working conditions and lives of the workers, considered in the tripartite declaration of the International Labor Organization, are given. UNCTAD approaches to the definition of digital players in the economy are considered.UNCTAD approaches to the definition of digital players in the economy are considered. Prospective sectors of the world economy for direct foreign investment are presented. Issues of assigning countries to the frontier markets are discussed. Conclusions regarding the prospects of increasing the presence of TNCs in the host countries due to the possibility of shifting the emphasis of R&D to the periphery are made. The methodology for evaluating border markets in terms of placement of innovation units of transnational business entities will be considered in further studies.


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How to Cite
KorogodovaО. (2018). THE IMPACT OF INNOVATIVE TRANSNATIONAL STRUCTURES ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, IN THE INDUSTRY 4.0. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 125-129. Retrieved from
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