• G. M. Filyuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • K. N. Vlasova Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: barriers, external markets, meat industry, enterprise


The purpose of the article is the development of the theoretical and methodological support for the comparative analysis of barriers of entry of enterprises to foreign markets. In the process of research, the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison and systematization as well as tabular method is used. Classification features are systematized and the existing barriers to entry into the foreign market are grouped according to the carrier barriers and the subject of overcoming barriers. A summary of barriers for the entry of meat industry enterprises into new foreign markets is generalized. Methodological approaches to assessing the market entry barrier index are improved. The comparative analysis of new external markets based on the use of the barrier index is carried out. The theoretical approaches and improved methodical tools for a comparative analysis of barriers of entry of meat industry enterprises to foreign markets by calculating the market entry barrier index based on the curtailment of estimated indicators of each of the barriers are developed. The results of the assessment of the barrier index testify to the existence of a system of means of protecting the domestic markets from imports of meat products. The elements of scientific novelty include the classification of entry barriers to new external markets on the basis of the carrier of barriers and the functional use of barriers, which allowed the grouping of barriers by subject of influence on the possibilities of overcoming them. State efforts should be directed to the formation of a number of intergovernmental agreements on economic cooperation, in particular, regarding the harmonization of the form of the veterinary certificate, the provision of preferences in trade relations, the procedure and terms for currency conversion, etc. The exporter's efforts should be implemented in the context of developing an economically sound exit strategy for the foreign market, developed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and assessment of entry barriers and evaluating the opportunities and capabilities of the enterprise to overcome them. The generalization and systematization of trade barriers allows us to formulate a strategy of entering the external market in accordance with the existing trade barriers of this market.


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How to Cite
Filyuk, G. M., & Vlasova, K. N. (2018). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ENTRY BARRIERS OF MEAT INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES INTO NEW FOREIGN. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 101-109. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/152
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