• E.I. Danilova National Aviation University
Keywords: economic security, an enterprise, management, a concept, a system, a structure, an approach


On the basis of theoretical generalization of conceptual approach to economic security realization it was considered that there is diversity of author’s views on the question of the subject of the study. Analytical research has enabled to reveal identification of the essence of “the economic security concept” and “the concept of management of economic security”, owing to disparity in methodological bases, which form the basis of the development of the stated concept. Objects, aim and elements, which define the essence of the economic security concept and the management of economic security concept are identified in the article. Systemic structural approach to the management of economic security has been proposed on the basis of defined objects. It’s unlike other existing scientific approaches allow to manage the hazards at three objective levels: at the level of inputs, at the level of function implementation, and at the level of enterprise as an integral system. The concept of proposed systemic structural approach to the management is based on a set of following provisions: the security of an enterprise is provided by the security of an enterprise function implementation. The security of function implementation can be achieved by the safety of recourse use, of realization of business processes, structures and environment. The subject of the article is theoretical generalization of the basic conceptual provisions of the systemic structural approach to the management of economic security of an enterprise. The aim of the article is theoretical grounding of the view on the management of economic security as an integral three-level hierarchical system. Scientific significance of entrance of such concepts as “economic security of functions” and “economic security of recourse” in the scientific circulation of concepts has been grounded. The identification of criteria, methods and indicators of the assessment of economic security as an integral economic structure has formed the basis of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic security of an enterprise. The use of hierarchical structure during the formation of the management of economic security concept allow to provide the systemic of taking into accounts all factors of the hazards of all resources, functions of an enterprise and system as a whole. The result of conducted research is structural hierarchical sequence of realization of stages of the management of economic security, as a set of administrative decisions about the impact on resources, functions and an enterprise as a whole, in order to provide its sustainable operation and stable development.


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How to Cite
Danilova, E. (2018). THE CONCEPTION OF MANAGEMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY BASED ON SYSTEMIC STRUCTURAL. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 77-83. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research