• B.V. Derhaliuk National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: intellectual capital, structural changes, factors of structural changes


The article investigates the role of intellectual capital as a determining factor in the implementation of structural changes in the national economy in the context of its intellectualization. It is noted that the political and economic situation in Ukraine in recent years has been facing the economy of the country, which is constantly experiencing economic crises, new challenges. On the other hand, the geopolitical situation has led to the need to change the foreign economic vector. It is analyzed that certain measures of state regulation of structural changes and assistance of international partners have allowed to avoid a catastrophic economic situation that has developed in Ukraine in 2014-2015 and to ensure the country's GDP growth, but these rates are insufficient to realize the potential economic potential of the country. It is determined that the category of intellectual capital is widely researched by scientists at the microeconomic level, interpreting it as being involved in the activities of any organization intellectual resources that can independently or in combination with other components of the enterprise increase its cost (capitalization) due to the effective use of intelligence in processes industrial and economic activity (intellectualization). Intellectual resources of the country are the result of interaction of the whole set of subjects, therefore, the theory of intellectual capital management, as a factor in the implementation of structural changes in the national economy The rating position of Ukraine for intellectual capital (70th among 124 countries) is analyzed, that it is determined not by weak intellectual potential, but by low indicators of the level of technology development by firms In the conclusions, the author emphasizes that the reorientation of Ukraine on the high-tech way of development in the implementation of structural changes in the national economy is not alternative.


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How to Cite
Derhaliuk, B. (2019). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AS FACTOR OF IMPLEMENTING STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 37-40. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research