• Nahorna I.I. National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: vector, priority alternatives, economic safety of the enterprise, components of the enterprise economic safety, hierarchical model


The article is dealing with considering effective interaction conditions of the enterprise with the subjects of the external environment, that is, the system of connections and relations that could ensure the enterprises' economic security. The purpose of article is to create a vector of priority alternatives ensuring economic security of the enterprise. In the article it was defined the concept of economic security of the enterprise as a state of balanced economic system of the enterprise internal environment, which is capable of responding adequately to the dynamics of the external environment. It was analyzed the economic system of the enterprise that is capable of adequately and quickly respond to changes in the external and internal environment, as well as their warnings. It was proposed to analyze the economic safety of the enterprise according to the following criteria: financial security, intellectual security, personnel security, technical and technological, political and legal security, information security, innovation safety, environmental safety, power security, and retrospective security. Through multivariate analysis, hierarchy analysis, the explicit form of the mathematical model of the process of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is established and the influence of various factors on this process is quantified. It was offered the hierarchical model game of determining economic security of enterprises, with further detail on selected full dominant hierarchies at the corresponding levels of the model. When constructing a dominant hierarchy, it was determined that the principle of hierarchical continuity is implemented, according to which the elements of the lower level of the hierarchy are pairwise comparable with each other from the views of the higher-level elements, and this process continuously extends from the top of the hierarchy to its lowest level (alternatives). In order to implement the fourth level of the hierarchical model, it was proposed to use a vector of alternatives priorities, which is determined in accordance with the model of economic security, where the alternatives are represented by the corresponding notations according to the calculated range.


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How to Cite
I.I., N. (2018). VECTOR OF PRIORITY ALTERNATIVES PROVIDING ECONOMIC SAFETY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 27-36. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research