• Chaikovsky M.A. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Chaikovsky E.A. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: innovation, development strategy, innovation ability, innovation activity, innovative susceptibility, ability to implement strategy


The purpose of the article is to study the concept of the enterprise's ability to implement an innovative development strategy. The study of the concepts of "innovative ability", "innovative receptivity", "innovation orientation", "innovative activity", "readiness for implementation of the strategy" made it possible to conclude that the structural elements of these terms are crossed, namely the object to which the actions are directed, the list actions, characterization of the properties, conditions of action. More often, scientists, as an object to which actions are directed, distinguish innovations, or objects that are derived from innovations - innovation activity, innovative projects. In most of these concepts, actions are considered as implementation, realization, effectuation. The following terms are also used to characterize actions: use, planning, detection, evaluation, justification. These are in essence means of ensuring the possibility of action. In most authors, the definition of these concepts also shows the list of actions and the availability of conditions for the development and implementation of innovations, so for this characteristic of the enterprise innovation is more appropriate to use the term "ability". It is determined that at the present stage the term "innovation" is associated not only with the new product, service, product, technology, or with new management methods. The application of new methods and tools in the implementation of certain areas of development will be an innovation in the management of this enterprise. On the basis of generalization of the common features of the investigated concepts proposed under the ability of the enterprise to implement an innovative development strategy to understand its inherent ability to achieve the goal with the help of modern means and methods.


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How to Cite
M.A., C., & E.A., C. (2019). ABILITY OF ENTERPRISES TO IMPLEMENT AN INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 21-26. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/139
Theoretical and empirical research