• Boiarynova K. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Nikanorova A. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: competitiveness, innovative competitiveness, innovative development, project approach, innovative project


The article observes the aim of competitiveness and innovative competitiveness of enterprise. Justifies the meaning and the role of innovative competitiveness in its development. Introduces the meaning of innovative competitiveness of enterprise as an ability of showing result, difference with analogues, which will provide economic growth of enterprise in long perspective. Innovative competitiveness content is specified for individual level (competitiveness. of innovative product / technology of production), micro level (competitiveness of enterprise in innovative market), meso level (the competitiveness of the type of economic activity of higher technological processes), macro level (economic competitiveness. in science and technical development). Showed and characterized activating factors of providing innovative competitiveness; absence of barriers for acceptance of innovative decisions, finance resources for innovative development, qualified specialists of new generation, qualified innovation management system, active interest of enterprise managers in innovations. Based on a comparison of functional and project approaches. The advantages of using the project approach in ensuring innovation competitiveness, which will allow more accurately identify the specific needs of the enterprise in innovation, accelerate the process of creation and implementation of innovations are determined and explained: focusing on the end result, not on the process of achieving it, achieving high efficiency of activity on innovative basis, flexible reaction at external and internal changes for varying the competitive position of the company on the market, process quality control, for changing providing competitive advantages technology. Quick response to changes and introduction of innovations depending on the current market needs democratic system of management, for developing creative thinking of personal for offering new solutions and create innovations. Rationalized increase of innovative competitiveness based on the project approach.


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How to Cite
K., B., & A., N. (2018). INNOVATIVE COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISES: ACTIVATION FACTORS AND APPROACHES TO SUPPLY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 7-13. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research