In this article considers the fundamental basis for the origin of profits and modern approaches to determining the essence of profit. The role of profit is investigated as the main indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise. The qualitative structure of formation of profit of the enterprise and functions which carries out profit, as the main source of the further development of the enterprise is analyzed. It is established that profit is the main financial result and stimulus of economic activity of enterprises, its main source of functioning, development and guarantor of economic security. The main purpose of profit management is to determine the most effective ways of its formation and distribution aimed at ensuring the development of the enterprise and the growth of its market value. The profitability and profitability of the enterprise is directly related to the receipt of profit and characterizes the efficiency of the enterprise, shows the intensity of their work and reflects the financial condition of the enterprise. It is determined that the level of profitability and the amount of profit of an enterprise is formed under the influence of numerous factors that affect both negatively and positively. The article considers the influence of external and internal factors. Factors that the enterprise can influence independently and which can be used in the future for profit growth are established. A system of measures to increase profitability is proposed through an effective profit management policy.
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