This article is devoted to the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of production activity. Purpose of the article consists in the research of methodology of evaluating the effectiveness of production activity to develop practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of production. Object of research is the effectiveness of production activity. Subject of research – theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of production activity. The article analyzes modern approaches to the essence of the term "efficiency of production", under which it is proposed to understand a positive or negative performance of a company that is characterized by a complex of indicators that summarize the attitude of the final result with all incurred costs (both quantitative and qualitative). Methodical approach to evaluating the economic efficiency of the production of the company is researched. It was established that the efficiency of the production of the enterprise is a complex feature, and its definition should apply an integrated and systematic approaches that lead to a set of criteria for evaluating the efficiency of enterprises, feasibility and cost recovery, targeted cost effectiveness, competitiveness. A toolkit of express analysis of the efficiency of production of the company is characterized. It was revealed that the express analysis of efficiency of industrial activity of the enterprise increases the ability to quickly and reliably establish the results of the use of resources expended: the means of production, labor and information, to determine the further development of a strategy to develop a forecast for the future and a plan of action. Analysis of the current economic development allowed to come to a conclusion that there is a need for new theoretical approaches and tools to be applied to display performance, which would facilitate the monitoring of production processes in enterprises, reduce uncertainty assessment results management and use of the whole complex of resources and opportunities.
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