Asymmetric information is manifested in all spheres of social activity – in the economic, social, political interaction of people. It is present in all markets – commodity, credit, stock, labor market. Asymmetry of information negatively affects the investment process in the country, the competitiveness of domestic products in government social policy and the level of education and qualifications of the citizens, which in turn is displayed on the economic potential of the country as a whole. It is noteworthy that rid asymmetric information in the market economy is practically impossible, but minimizing its effects, you can achieve a positive effect on improving competitiveness of individual entities, and the state as a whole. The object of this study is to asymmetric information and its impact on the profitability of enterprises. The subject – a set of theoretical-methodological and practical aspects of the impact of asymmetric information on the profitability of individual companies. Objective: To study Ukraine markets with asymmetric information, determine their characteristics and construction of theoretical situations to bring the negative impact of information asymmetry between market actors. To achieve this goal used set of general and specific methods. In particular methods of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, unity of historical and logical, economic and statistical analysis, economic modeling.
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