Today, the growth of innovation’s component in the economy is directly related this the processes of creating of different sorts of intellectual products, which are the basis for the production of high-tech products. This intelligent products provide the basis for the creation of new technologies and production of high technology, competitive products, which are the objects of innovation. Therefore, the companies’ activity that create innovative products is most interesting for the study. The article analyzes the concept of innovation potential of the company, the approaches to the interpretation of the concept of innovation potential are investigated, its block diagram is offered. The object of research is the process of development of the enterprise’s innovative potential. The subject of the research is a set of theoretical aspects of formation of the enterprise’s innovative potential. The most theoretical and applied research are based on the provisions of the general theory of management, innovation management, strategic management and the use of techniques such as: a systematic approach – with an overall study of the problems of the management of the enterprise’s innovative potential; induction and deduction – in the investigation and determination of substantive content of the definitions of “innovation” and “ the enterprise’s innovative potential.” The practical significance of these results is that they serve as a basis for further theoretical and applied research management of enterprise’s innovative potential.
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