The concept of supply chain management is a modern scientific direction of the organization of interconnections between enterprises and ensuring customer orientation of modern business. The study of the history and evolution of information processing of business processes in the supply chain management, the definition of the structure of the information system of the class SCM, updating the problems and defining the parameters that influence the supply chain information management information are important for the tasks of scientists. The presented study showed that the characteristic feature of the modern economy was the transition to post-industrial, namely, the information development, the basis of which is the transformation of information and its higher form ⎯ scientific knowledge into a strategic resource, which allows to achieve competitive advantages. Such a transformation aims new challenges that require companies to be more flexible and resourceful in order to meet the changing and increasingly individualized needs of customers. These factors undoubtedly affect not only the informatization of the processes of managing the supply chains, but also the logistics in general. Therefore, an important achievement of this work was the determination of parameters influencing the informatization of the processes of supply chain management, based on the definition of modern economic trends. The outlined parameters provoke the formation of more complicated chains, and also provide for the creation of new configurations. At the same time ensuring the efficient management of supply chains generates the need to create new models of organization of operations and optimization of logistics operations. In the future, the study should become a platform for effective management based on trendwatching – trend research. The efficiency of management in this perspective can provide competitive advantages for both national and international enterprises.
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