The historical stages of becoming and development the management logistic activity and corresponding evolutional periods are determined in their limits are investigated in the article. Item research are motivational pre-conditions the historical events at development of logistic. The main purpose of the article is investigating the evolutional process the transition of logistic from a military sphere in economic and offer a division into periods of development logistic with the specification othe most substantial signs that are in basis criterion division and also define the countries of establishment and associates in each the marked periods.Certainly that the military stage the development of logistic as research and practice direction, envisaged the decision the complex pressing questions providing the army Napoleon and the creator of the first scientific works with a theory and practice military logistic is Antuan Anry Jominy(Jomini A.) (1779-1869). It is set that finally as scientific direction the logistic was outlined only in a middle ХІХ of century and full degree found practical embodiment in the years of Second world war.It is well-proven that the economic stage the development of logistic is caused by consumer market development in Western Europe and North America.Certainly that specialist in industry analysis the systems by professor О. Morgeshtern in 1951 first specified on possibility the use the positions military logistic in an economy. Within the limits of the military and economic stages the intuitively-philosophical, phase-applied and system-integrated periods the development logistic are offered with the specification of the most substantial signs that are in basis criterion division, and also the countries of establishment and associates are indicated in each of the marked periods.The use the offered division into periods the development of logistic on the basis motivational signs will give an opportunity investigate reason – effect connection in the structural-functional providing of the productive-sale systems and carry out corresponding prognoses in relation to their further development.
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