The article examines the scientific and methodological approaches to process of management of restructuring of the industrial enterprises acting as a subject of this scientific research are investigated. The purpose of writing of article is generalization and systematization of the existing approaches to management of process of restructuring of the industrial enterprises. This research was conducted by methods of the analysis, systematization, comparison and generalization. Scientific and methodological approach in management of process of restructuring includes the strategic principle and their set, a set of procedures and methods which serve as a form and a condition of realization of the corresponding principles of restructuring. By the comparative analysis features and shortcomings of all presented methodological approaches are marked out. On the basis of the analysis and generalization of the received results it was offered the generalizing stage-by-stage approach to carrying out complex restructuring which from the point of view of authors is the most optimum in relation to management of restructuring process. The offered generalizing approach can be involved in management of process of restructuring both at the industrial enterprises, and in other separate branches.
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