• О. Nakonechna International University of Finance
  • Zh. Ustiuhova V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
  • І. Nakonechnyi International University of Finance
Keywords: investments, investment resources, loan, leasing, venture financing, public financing


The article describes the absence of a clear and unified approach to classification of enterprise investment resources based on generalization of the main theoretical positions of the theory of investment. Taking into account the mentioned problems, the definition of «investment resources of an enterprise» is provided, and their main essential features are outlined. The generalized grading system of investment resources of an enterprise, which includes a number of additional recommended features (in terms of formation, nature of implementation of objectives of an enterprise, the degree of novelty, and introduction of innovations) in addition to traditional classification features, is presented. The specified system can be used in the process of strategic financial management of investment resources at enterprises and will increase the efficiency of the strategy of their formation and decision-making on the appropriateness of investments into real and financial investment facilities. Both advantages and disadvantages of the main sources of formation of investment resources of an enterprise are also listed with account of the characteristics of change of the possibility of their use in a crisis.


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How to Cite
NakonechnaО., Ustiuhova, Z., & NakonechnyiІ. (2017). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENT RESOURCES OF AN ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (4), 81-87. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research