• S. G. Korolova National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • I. V. Makaliuk National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: entrepreneurship, taxation, unemployment, development of regional enterprises, economic growth


The article considers the main factors of state influence on the development of entrepreneurship. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of the current state of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine and to develop practical recommendations for their solution. The paper describes the problem of tax burden and proposes the introduction of a progressive tax rate, as well as the idea of replacing the income tax with the tax on the withdrawn capital. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of unemployment, for the solution of which a number of rather rigid conditions have been proposed that will make citizens conscious and honest, since in Ukraine the unemployment problem is more focused on reluctance to work than in the real shortage of jobs. It is very important to solve the issues is to create a system of financing enterprises, this problem is hampering the development of the economy in Ukraine. The questions concerning the development of regional enterprises and creation of special funds for supporting their activities are considered. The methods of government control over the shadow economy sector, which were introduced recently, have been analyzed, but the analysis of this policy has focused on the fact that such methods are not perfect and need to be changed. The state of the influence of state regulation instruments on the development of domestic agriculture has been analyzed. It is substantiated that the implementation of the proposed practical recommendations will help Ukraine to lead Ukraine into the path of sustainable economic development and will contribute to the overall economic recovery of the state, which is achieved through a comprehensive reform of the Ukrainian economy. During the study, the following methods were used: observation, analysis, induction method, comparative method, statistical method. Prospects for further scientific researches are determined by search of ways of development of certain spheres of the national economy of the country, the development of a research base for the creation of a truly effective investment infrastructure.


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How to Cite
Korolova, S. G., & Makaliuk, I. V. (2017). THE STATE’S INFLUENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (4), 49-55. Retrieved from
Practice innovation and entrepreneurship