• I.M. Dzhadan International University of Finance
Keywords: industry, national economy, technological development, marketing, marketing tools


The article investigates the current state of Ukrainian industry. The analysis of the main indices of industrial and technological development that influence the competitiveness of the national economy is analyzed. The basic problems of functioning and development of industry are revealed. Direct foreign investments into the Ukrainian economy and direct foreign investments of Ukraine in the economy of the countries of the world are investigated. It is established that Ukraine finances the scientific and technological progress of other countries, at the same time remains raw-oriented. The export of high-tech products in Ukraine and countries of the world is analyzed. The modernization of education through the STEM-oriented approach to learning is substantiated. The role of marketing tools in the system of industrial and technological development of the national economy is determined. The priority directions of development of industry of Ukraine on the basis of marketing are offered.


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How to Cite
Dzhadan, I. (2017). ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE IN THE MARKETING TOOLS SYSTEM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (4), 41-48. Retrieved from
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