Keywords: energy independence, energy security, biofuels, waste, energy utilization, heat pumps


The article substantiates the relevance of finding ways to increase energy independence in the context of growing conflict in the global environment. The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of the European Union countries in the energy use of waste and biofuels in the context of increasing energy independence and to determine the prerequisites for its implementation in Ukraine. The study is based on the dialectical method of cognition and a systematic approach to the study of phenomena and processes related to the analysis of experience and best practices in the energy use of waste and biofuels. To achieve this goal, the paper uses general scientific and special methods, namely: abstract and logical methods; methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, systematization; methods of scientific summarizing and comparing; statistical and economic, tabular and graphical methods; etc. The structure and dynamics of energy production and consumption in the European Union and Ukraine from traditional and renewable sources as of 2021 are analyzed. The structure of Ukraine's energy balance and its differences from those of the EU countries are characterized. The tendencies of the relationship between the decrease in the level of energy dependence of countries on imported energy and the increase in the share of energy consumption from renewable sources are substantiated. The practice of energy utilization from waste and biofuels in progressive European countries and Ukraine is studied. The energy potential of municipal solid waste and biomass in Ukraine is characterized, and the prospects for its use are outlined. The practical value of the article lies in determining the prerequisites for the implementation of foreign experience in increasing the energy independence of our country in the national context. The necessity of expanding the practice of using heat pumps to generate energy from the environment is substantiated. Prospects for further research in the field of studying the energy potential of biomass and solid waste in the regional Ukrainian dimension and the substantiation of institutional mechanisms for their effective use are determined.


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How to Cite
Makaliuk, I., Marchenko, V., & Kavtysh, O. (2023). INCREASING ENERGY INDEPENDENCE THROUGH WASTE AND BIOFUELS: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE EU AND UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (27), 86-93.
Economics of nature use and environmental protection