Keywords: competent organization, competence, organizational management structure, factors of internal and external influence


An important task of modern managers is to optimize organizational management structures as part of a set of measures to increase the competence of the organization and, as a natural consequence, the efficiency of its activities in the market. A rational structure should be formed that best meets the goals and objectives of the organization, facilitates the targeted distribution and coordination of employees' efforts, and is able to respond to the impact of internal and external factors in a mobile, timely and adequate manner, thus increasing the level of organizational competence in a highly competitive environment. This issue can be resolved by studying the factors that determine the presence of specific elements and links in the structures, analyzing the direction and strength of their influence. This implies taking into account the specific conditions of the organization’s activity in the process of choosing or building an effective management structure. The insufficient development of scientific tools for the formation and use of management structures as a prerequisite for organizations to acquire competence in the market determined the choice of the research area and the formulation of its purpose. This has led to the article's raising of the issues of identifying, systematizing and studying the direction of influence of various factors on the formation of an organization’s management structure, which remain open for scientific discussion. The purpose of the article is to systematize the factors of internal and external environment, to study the degree of their influence on the formation of the organizational management structure of a competent organization. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: morphological analysis, dialectical method – to justify the selection of factors influencing the organizational management structure, to determine their content; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis – to determine the direction and strength of the factors' influence on the management structure; expert assessments - to justify the expediency of considering the management structure as a prerequisite for gaining competence by an organization in modern market conditions. The result was the formation of a list of factors, their systematization by the direction of influence, justification of the need to take them into account when forming the management structure of an organization seeking to acquire a high level of competence in the market.


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Economics and business management